We also read the article about Picasso about 4 years ago, that time canvas fingerprinting was super hot. That is why we developed Intelligent Canvas Spoofing in Kameleo. Watch our video: https://youtu.be/qrSk4_nyxz8?si=-rRxT7aN8yRnEmwm

And read our article about it: https://help.kameleo.io/hc/en-us/articles/7021925786397-Intelligent-Canvas-Spoofing-Our-research-on-canvas

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As far as I know they built trustiness score based on many factors including canvas score. Does this canvas contribute heavily into overall score?

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What I can see is: If I use a browser extension or another anti-detect with "noise" setup login on google is not working. Canvas spoofing left on OFF usually works. But in case of running a browser on AWS and having the option on OFF will prevent you from login. If I run Kameleo on AWS with Intelligent Canvas Spoofing, then it is working. So in my opinion this effects the overall score a lot. A feature like this is crucial if you would like emulate a different device than your host machine. For example: MacOS profile on Windows, mobile profile on Windows, AWS...

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