How to write your first scraper with Scrapy

Scraping is the process of extracting information from websites, and Scrapy is a popular open-source framework for building web scrapers. In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a simple scraper using Scrapy.

Step 1: Installation of Scrapy

To start with Scrapy, you must have Python installed on your computer. If you don't have Python installed, download it from

Once you have Python installed, open the terminal or command prompt and install Scrapy using the following command:

pip install scrapy

Step 2: Creating a Scrapy Project

To create a new Scrapy project, open the terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

scrapy startproject project_name

Replace project_name with the name of your project.

Step 3: Creating a Scrapy Spider

A spider is a program that defines how to follow the links on a website and extract information. To create a spider, navigate to your project directory and run the following command:

scrapy genspider spider_name website_name

Replace spider_name with the name of your spider and website_name with the name of the website you want to scrape.

Step 4: Defining the Spider

Now that you have created your spider, you need to define what information you want to extract. Open the spider file in a text editor and replace the default code with the following code:

import scrapy

class SpiderName(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "spider_name"
    start_urls = [

    def parse(self, response):
        for title in response.css('title'):
            yield {'title': title.css('title::text').get()}

Replace spider_name with the name of your spider, website_name with the name of the website you want to scrape, and the CSS selector to extract the information you want.

Step 5: Running the Spider

To run your spider, navigate to the project directory in the terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

scrapy crawl spider_name

Replace spider_name with the name of your spider.

Step 6: Saving the Output

By default, the output of your spider will be displayed in the terminal or command prompt. To save the output to a file, use the following command:

scrapy crawl spider_name -o output_file.json

Replace spider_name with the name of your spider and output_file with the name of the file you want to save the output to.

In conclusion, Scrapy is a powerful and flexible framework for building web scrapers. With just a few lines of code, you can easily extract information from websites and save it to a file. Happy scraping!

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